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BGI is one of the world’s premier genome sequencing centres and offers a wide range of genetic related services. They have been cooperating and get engaged with Zentrogene Laboratory from Hong Kong. As an authorised representative their objective is to build a new brand for preventative medical services targeting customers in Asia. Their aim is to create a professional Western image for a Chinese brand and to expand their market share internationally out of China.

My Role

Brand Identity

Design Direction


Website Design



A Gift of Life 

Branding for Genetic Testing Kits

Creative Strategies

These genomic tests is invasive and required performed by doctors in clinics, however, regulations in Hong Kong prohibited health professional to directly promote these services to client. We decided to add a packaging design for the test tube along with other marketing materials to stand out from the competitions in the brochure rack. 
Used a tangible design to promote an intangible service generated curiosity effectively in the clinic's waiting room. 

Brand message - A gift of life

Adopted a soft and warm tone in the brand message which explains the harmonic colour palette and curvy shapes. Hands instead of models are used as the key visual elements for a more general targeted market. The gift of life idea connected with the prospected audiences on an emotional level, the packaging idea sync with the concept to reinforce the message.

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