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Wireframe & Low-Fi

Background and objective

Rotam marketing team want to create an Employee-centric intranet.

- Encourage more internal communication and information sharing, includes social components such as commenting, liking or sharing

- Easy, user friendly navigation will guide employees to the information they need to do their job more efficiently

- Quick link to support employees performance 

- Appealing and inviting 'look & feel

Mobile interface

Rotam is a Global Leading Quality Agro Tech Solutions Company. They wanted to enhance their internal employee portal to improve productivity and collaboration with the various regional offices.

Multifunctional employee platform

My Role

Design Lead

UX design

UI design




The Problem

Rotam internal employee’s portal lacked a human-centric design, leading to an inconsistent user interface (UI), fractured information architecture, an inability to find information quickly, and no simple way to access shared documents.

The Objective

Research, strategize and design a one-stop destination to meet over 1,000 employees’ internal communication and collaboration needs with enhanced features like asset libraries, useful links, and HR announcements.

Lacked understanding in user wants, needs and expectations

  • Current frustrations and pain points?

  • What did they really want?

  • What did they really need?

Dived into an intensive 2-weeks research sprint

  • Users interviews

  • Investigated the workflows

  • Mapped out the functional requirements

Overwhelmed with insights, we needed to start prioritizing to form a strategy

  • Understand key pain points, wants and needs

  • Classify all insights gathered

  • Present our synthesis to stakeholders

Jumped into secondary research to form our product strategy and experience.

  • Created a affinity map

  • Prioritized customer pinpoints, wants and needs

  • Presented the insight to stakeholders

We were on a tight deadline and developers needed to start building soon.

  • Should we launch the portal by phase?

  • Did we need a design system right now?

  • What was our visual design language?

Once we answered the burning questions, we commenced design right away.

  • Launch the portal in 2 phases (P1-Announcement & P2-Asset library)

  • Built a design system as priority

  • Focus on employee’s portal homepage

User interviews takeaways

  • Inconsistent navigation and fractured information architecture lead to inability to find information quickly

  • Inconsistent user interface (UI) failed to reflect brand consistency

  • The portal framework had mobile capabilities, but the portal had not yet been made mobile-friendly

Functional requirements

Usability Study - 1

Key Findings

  • Users want to know the time of the regional offices

  • Users want to want to know any unread announcement at the homepage

  • Users want to have direct download button

  • Users want to add a section for useful link

  • Added the world clock

  • Added the “New!” Icon to show the unread announcement

  • Added preview icon, user can click the download icon for direct download

  • Added useful link section

Special features


We successfully launched phase 1(Rotam News & Useful links) in 3 months and launched phase 2 (The way look forward and Asset Library) in another 6 months. A year later, client contact us for the enhancement, they would like to add some new features.

Usability Study - 2

Key Findings

  • Users want to add new section for CEO message

  • Users want to show more announcements at the homepage

  • Users want to change “announcement” to  “Rotam News”

  • Users want to add welcoming message

  • Updated the navigation bar

  • Added welcoming message

  • Increased the “Rotam News” preview from 5 to 8

  • Scale down the world clock section

  • Added “The Way Forward” for CEO message

  • Take out “Asset Library” highlight post  show quick links only

Final Design​


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