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Information at Your Fingertips

We designed a digital interface for Generali’s sales materials that simplifies the client experience and clearly presents the information they need within a few attractive steps. The digital format makes it easy to update the material and saves the resources needed to reprint physical copies - a win for the company and the environment.

Responsive Web Design
This sales tool can be use on computer, notebook, tablet and mobile devices. 

Background and objective

Generali's marketing team want to consolidate and digitalize tons of product brochures which easier for their brokers to present.

Wireframe and Low-fi




Content Management System

The content management system was designed to handle a massive range of product brochures. With a versatile framework in place, client can easily update and organise product information into the future.

Designing a digital sales kit for easy customisation that is relevant to clients.

Optimization of sales materials

My Role

Design Lead

UX design

UI design




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