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AGS (Advanced Genomic Solutions) is a genomic testing laboratory founded in Arizona, United States specialising in commercialised genetic testing to health care professional. They reached out to Chill Creative for redesigning the brochures at first. After an in-depth discussion on their objectives with the management team, we proposed another creative strategy by rebranding AGS in alignment with the B2C business plan. 

the Brand DNA

My Role

Design Direction

Brand Identity Design

Packaging Design

Responsive Website Design


Advance Genomic Solutions

Creative Process

We started to work with the marketing team and C-level executives on the brand preposition and to redefine the brand DNA for AGS. The new business model has to directly engage with the end users (general public), hence it is important for the brand to build an emotional connection with the targeted audiences. Empowerment is our brand keywords, AGS wellness genetic test empowered people to have better and healthy lifestyle management.


Tangible packaging helps the consumer market connect with an intangible service. As part of our comprehensive rebranding, we simplified the logo and added new color palette to differentiate business segments and improve flexibility in design. A set of custom illustration and icons are developed based on visual elements from logo design to help in communicating workflows/steps in both digital and print applications.

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